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  • FAQs | Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut

    You are not alone We're here to help. Schedule an Appointment Frequently Asked Questions Click on each of the questions to learn more. I’m pregnant. What are my options? If you are pregnant, you have more options than you think. Our caring staff will discuss all your options with you, without judgment. All the resources we provide are completely objective and we’ll provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision regarding your pregnancy. What do I need at my first appointment? The only thing Women's Center of EC asks, is that you bring a photo ID. How much does an appointment cost? Because we care about your health and wellbeing, your appointment with us is completely free and confidential. You do not need to bring any form of payment or health insurance with you to your appointment, just a photo ID. How do I know if I'm pregnant? Because each woman and each pregnancy is unique, symptoms may vary. However, the most common sign of pregnancy is a missed period. If you have missed a period, it’s best to make an appointment for a free pregnancy test at our center. Other common pregnancy symptoms include fatigue, nausea, bloating, darkening of the nipples, cramping/spotting, and frequent urination. How does a pregnancy test work? During your appointment, we collect a small sample of urine. A urine pregnancy test detects the presence of hCG, which is a hormone associated with pregnancy. If hCG is detected in your urine, that means you have a positive test. Over-the-counter pregnancy tests can be accurate, but often women take them too early or don’t follow the directions carefully. Even if you have taken a home pregnancy test, confirm your results with free pregnancy testing at Womens Center EC When should I get an ultrasound? After you have received a positive pregnancy test, it may be time to get a limited obstetric ultrasound. An ultrasound can diagnose pregnancy, determine how far along you are and detect a fetal heartbeat. Do you have trained medical staff? Yes. All our medical services are provided by licsened medical professionals. Women's Center of EC medical professionals on staff include: Medical Doctor Registered Nurses Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographers What are the signs of an STI? Most STIs do not exhibit unique symptoms, and most symptoms can be mistaken for other illnesses. That’s why it’s important to get tested after unprotected sex. Waiting too long to get tested and treated for an STI puts you and your partner at risk for severe health complications. I’m struggling in my relationship, can you help? Yes! We’ve mentored thousands in healthy relationship building skills. Relationships can be hard but we are here to help. Does my significant other have a say in my decision? Whether you are a woman or man facing an unexpected pregnancy, you don’t have to go through it alone. You both should have an open discussion regarding your options and make an informed decision together on what to do moving forward. We can help facilitate these conversations and provide you with the information you need What if I don’t know how to be a good parent? No one is a parenting expert, but that doesn’t mean you can’t provide your child with love and support. We offer parenting classes to help you learn the ins and outs of being a good parent during each stage of your child’s life. Call or text us today to learn more about our free parenting program and how it can benefit you. What if I don't live close to the Women's Center? If you live in another community and are not sure if you can make it to our Center, consider visiting our Mobile Care van, which schedules travel to communities throughout the state.

  • Eastern Connecticut Support Groups | Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut

    You are not alone We're here to help. Schedule an Appointment Women's Center Support Groups At the Women's Center, we provide a safe place to help you find the support you need, through community resources and peer to peer experience. We offer topic specific programs, designed to meet you where you are and help guide you through the steps of your journey. Peer Counseling Private and confidential conversations with our experienced client advocates, trained to listen and help you navigate some of your next big steps around pregnancy related issues. ​ ​ ​ ​ Parenting Support A monthly education and support group designed to encourage and develop you to be the best parent you can be, by connecting you to area resources as well as teaching practical tips and skills. ​ Carried A 8-week support group to help facilitate healing in the grieving process of a miscarriage. This group runs twice a year. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Abanon An 8-week support group working towards recovery from a past abortion by exploring your story and emotions. Groups are available online and in person. ​ Savanon An 8-week support group working towards healing from past sexual abuse by exploring and processing your story and emotions. Groups are available online and in person. ​ Professional Counseling Services We can provide referrals and in some instances, financial assistance to professional licensed counselors in our area. Schedule an Appointment

  • Adoption | Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut

    Know Your Worth Know Your Options Abortion Adoption Parenting Considering Adoption in Connecticut? Get the Facts! Adoption is a selfless and sometimes difficult road. But, you don’t have to walk it alone. Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut is here to support you, each step of the way. We would be happy to connect you with our trusted adoption partners. They will educate you on your rights as the birth parent, and help you create an adoption plan—all on your terms. To consider whether adoption is right for you, start by asking some questions. Schedule an Appointment What are the Different Types of Adoption? What is Open Adoption? In an open adoption, the birth parent(s) can continue to communicate with the child and the adoptive family after the adoption is finalized. This can range from emails or phone calls to in-person visits, depending on the closeness of their relationships. What is a Semi-Open Adoption? In a semi-open adoption, the birth mother and adoptive family can maintain contact with each other after the adoption is finalized. They send pictures and letters to each other on a set schedule. Communication is managed by the adoption agency. What is a Closed Adoption? In a closed adoption, the adoptive family receives only the medical and social history of each birth parent and their family. The birth mother can select the adoptive family based on non-identifying profiles, but is not expected to communicate with them before or after the adoption is finalized. Do I Get to Choose the Adoptive Parents? Yes. As the birth mother, you decide what you’re looking for. You can narrow it down to race, values, religion, and even personality traits. Can a Birth Mother Change Her Mind? In Connecticut, birth mothers have 48 hours to change their minds about the adoption after the child’s birth[1]. ​ Start Your Adoption Journey at Women’s Center of Eastern Connecticut Our compassionate team is here to answer your questions and give you the support you deserve, so you can make an empowered choice for your pregnancy. If you would like to learn more about adoption in Connecticut, give us a call at (860) 576-8072 or schedule your appointment online today. Schedule an Appointment Sources How to Adopt in Connecticut. Considering Adoption. (2024, March 1). Retrieved from

  • Parenting | Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut

    Know Your Worth Know Your Options Abortion Adoption Parenting Parenting We get it—the idea of parenting may feel overwhelming. Perhaps you want to be a parent, but… You have other goals that you want to accomplish. You feel like you don’t have the support you need. You just don’t know where to start when it comes to parenthood. Whatever your situation, you’re not alone. Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut provides free parenting resources to help you confidently prepare for parenthood. We’ve got you covered with: Education on pregnancy, childbirth, infant care, parenting, and healthy relationships Community referrals for support services Material assistance Emotional support as you navigate your first year Other services available upon request You are not alone on this journey! Get the support you need, and gain confidence in yourself to be the best parent you can be—all at Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut. Schedule an Appointment Free Parenting Classes, Resources, and Support Explore your options at Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut to decide if parenting is the right choice for your future. We offer free parenting classes and resources to help you take your next step! Give us a call at (860) 576-8072 or schedule your appointment online today. Schedule an Appointment

  • Terms and Conditions | Women's Center New

    Terms and Conditions Please consider the following information prior to interacting with our website. We are committed to informing you of your rights and the rights held by Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut in relation to your use of this website. We are committed to making your experience safe, secure, and enjoyable. By using and accessing this website, you expressly agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions as set forth below. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, you should not use this website. Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut is not responsible for any damages or injuries caused by the use of or access to this website. Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut does not guarantee any merchandise, information, service, or other material provided on or through this website. ​ All contents copyright © Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut. All materials on this website are solely owned and copyrighted by Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut and are protected by U.S. and international copyrights unless otherwise indicated. ​ COLLECTION OF INFORMATION Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut will never collect personal information without your knowledge during your visit to our website. Any information that is requested will typically be in direct correlation to the services you are requesting. From time to time, Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut may ask for your personal input and suggestions related to your online experience. This information will remain confidential and will allow us to improve and enhance your online user experience. Your provision of personal comments or suggestions will serve as consent to our use of this information to improve user experience. ​ SECURITY All transactions accomplished through this website are secured using SSL encryption to protect sensitive data transmissions from your computer to our website. Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut also uses password protection to secure personal information. ​ CHANGES Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut maintains the right to adjust or change these Terms and Conditions at any time without notice to users and asks that you check this policy for updates. ​ LINKS From time to time, Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut may provide links to other websites maintained by individuals or organizations outside of Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut. These links are not an endorsement of these external websites or the values or opinions expressed therein. Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut does not control or guarantee such websites and expressly disclaims any representations or warranties, implied or express, regarding such websites’ accuracy or appropriateness. Should you visit these external websites, you will be under the terms of service and privacy policy maintained by the sites/owners of such external websites. ​ COPYRIGHT All information and materials contained within the Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut website are the copyrighted property of Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut unless otherwise indicated. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names are the property of Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut. Unless otherwise noted on the material or documents, no material or documents from our website may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, with the exception of five (5) copies downloaded to your computer for personal use or for centers that wish to use affiliated resources for operational or educational purposes. In order to use Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut documents, you must maintain original content and copyright marks. Before using Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut documents and resources, please obtain written permission from Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut, unless you are using the documents or material for internal operational or educational purposes. You are prohibited from adding, deleting, distorting, or misrepresenting any content provided by Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut. Any attempts to modify any material featured on our website or to defeat or circumvent our security features are also prohibited. Any manuals, materials, documents, or portions thereof that are purchased from Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut’s online bookstore may not be copied, reproduced, or resold without the express authorization of Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut. By using and accessing this website, you agree to abide by the restrictions set forth in this “copyright” section of these Terms and Conditions. ​ RESTRICTIONS ON USE Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut strictly prohibits and disclaims any and all liability for the use of this website for the communication of illegal, false, pornographic, obscene, threatening, or otherwise offensive remarks, content, or material. We strictly prohibit and are not liable for breaches of confidentiality that may take place within this website. All material, resources, content, and information published, posted, or distributed by Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut are designed and intended for general informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for the direct counsel of an attorney, professional counselor, or medical professional. You expressly assume the risk of your reliance upon any content or information contained in or accessed through this website. ​ SUBMITTING MATERIAL All remarks, suggestions, ideas, graphics, comments, or other information that you send to Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut through our website other than information directly requested by Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut or provided through our bookstore, financial transactions, and online account creation, will become the property of Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut. This releases Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut from any obligation to treat such submissions as confidential. You cannot take legal action against us or request payment from us for using materials you submit in this manner. We maintain the right to use such materials for any and all purposes that we believe to be appropriate to the mission and vision of Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut. When submitting such materials, you acknowledge that you are responsible for such submissions and that you have full responsibility for the content of the message, including its legality, reliability, appropriateness, originality, and copyright. ​ INFORMATION ABOUT HEALTH The Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut website features a variety of content on issues related to pregnancy, abortion, human sexuality, sexual health, contraception, abstinence, and other related issues. Such information featured on this website is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice. You are always advised to seek advice from your personal medical physician on issues related to your health. The issues and content discussed on this website are for general audiences only. Your physician is typically best able to evaluate whether or not a specific health suggestion or potential course of treatment is best for you. ​ LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut and its affiliates are not liable for any injury or damages of any kind, whether incidental, consequential, direct, indirect, special, punitive, exemplary, or contractual, that may result from your use of or reliance on any operation, material, content, or other aspect of our website. These may include but are not limited to: (a) use of this website or your inability to use this website; (b) use of websites linked from this website or your inability to use any website linked from this website; (c) the purchasing, reliance on, or use of any products, goods, or services purchased from any entity contacted in any way through this website; (d) errors, delays, omissions, or defects on this website; (e) viruses; (f) loss of use, data, or profits; (g) business interruption and/or (h) consequential or incidental damages. WE ARE NOT LIABLE EVEN IF WE HAVE BEEN NEGLIGENT OR IF OUR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR BOTH. EXCEPTION: CERTAIN STATE LAWS MAY NOT ALLOW US TO LIMIT OR EXCLUDE LIABILITY FOR THESE “INCIDENTAL” OR “CONSEQUENTIAL” DAMAGES. IF YOU LIVE IN ONE OF THOSE STATES, THE ABOVE LIMITATION OBVIOUSLY WOULD NOT APPLY, WHICH WOULD MEAN THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE THE RIGHT TO RECOVER THESE TYPES OF DAMAGES. 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Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut and its affiliates disclaim all express or implied warranties with regard to information, content, materials, services, products, resources, publications, and other information contained in or accessible through this website, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. By accessing and using this website, you agree to hold Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut and its affiliates harmless and not responsible for the content distributed by or through this website. ​ ONLINE FORUM POSTINGS Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut maintains the right to monitor and censor the content of postings within any online affiliate forum within this website, provided by Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut via email, or hosted on this website. However, we are not under any legal obligation to guarantee the censorship of materials that some parties may deem inappropriate or offensive. 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The material presented within this website, unless otherwise noted, was created in the state of Connecticut for sole use by and for Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut. If you utilize this website or the resources therein outside of the United States, you are legally obligated to abide by the laws of that location. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is found void, unenforceable, or unlawful, it does not serve to invalidate all other provisions herein. Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut maintains the right to alter these terms at any time by updating this content without formal notice to users. This is the full agreement for the use of this website.​

  • Socials | Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut

    You are not alone We're here to help. Schedule an Appointment Check out our Meta Accounts: @womenscenterec Women's Center of Eastern CT

  • Am I Pregnant? | Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut

    Am I Pregnant? Think you might be pregnant? Your first step is to take a pregnancy test. The Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut can provide you with a lab quality urine pregnancy test, of which the results can be discussed in minutes. All our services are free and confidential. Check out our Pregnancy Calculator to determine how far along you might be. Pregnancy Calculator Signs & Symptoms The most common symptom of pregnancy is a missed period; however, there are other symptoms you may experience. Click on each of the symptoms to learn more. Reference from May 2019 article. Read more about pregnancy and symptoms at I’m pregnant. What are my options? If you are pregnant, you have more options than you think. Our caring staff will discuss all your options with you, without judgment. All the resources we provide are completely objective and we’ll provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision regarding your pregnancy. What do I need at my first appointment? The only thing Women's Center of EC asks, is that you bring a photo ID. How much does an appointment cost? Because we care about your health and wellbeing, your appointment with us is completely free and confidential. You do not need to bring any form of payment or health insurance with you to your appointment, just a photo ID. How do I know if I'm pregnant? Because each woman and each pregnancy is unique, symptoms may vary. However, the most common sign of pregnancy is a missed period. If you have missed a period, it’s best to make an appointment for a free pregnancy test at our center. Other common pregnancy symptoms include fatigue, nausea, bloating, darkening of the nipples, cramping/spotting, and frequent urination. How does a pregnancy test work? During your appointment, we collect a small sample of urine. A urine pregnancy test detects the presence of hCG, which is a hormone associated with pregnancy. If hCG is detected in your urine, that means you have a positive test. Over-the-counter pregnancy tests can be accurate, but often women take them too early or don’t follow the directions carefully. Even if you have taken a home pregnancy test, confirm your results with free pregnancy testing at Womens Center EC When should I get an ultrasound? After you have received a positive pregnancy test, it may be time to get a limited obstetric ultrasound. An ultrasound can diagnose pregnancy, determine how far along you are and detect a fetal heartbeat. Do you have trained medical staff? Yes. All our medical services are provided by licsened medical professionals. Women's Center of EC medical professionals on staff include: Medical Doctor Registered Nurses Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographers What are the signs of an STI? Most STIs do not exhibit unique symptoms, and most symptoms can be mistaken for other illnesses. That’s why it’s important to get tested after unprotected sex. Waiting too long to get tested and treated for an STI puts you and your partner at risk for severe health complications. I’m struggling in my relationship, can you help? Yes! We’ve mentored thousands in healthy relationship building skills. Relationships can be hard but we are here to help. Does my significant other have a say in my decision? Whether you are a woman or man facing an unexpected pregnancy, you don’t have to go through it alone. You both should have an open discussion regarding your options and make an informed decision together on what to do moving forward. We can help facilitate these conversations and provide you with the information you need What if I don’t know how to be a good parent? No one is a parenting expert, but that doesn’t mean you can’t provide your child with love and support. We offer parenting classes to help you learn the ins and outs of being a good parent during each stage of your child’s life. Call or text us today to learn more about our free parenting program and how it can benefit you. What if I don't live close to the Women's Center? If you live in another community and are not sure if you can make it to our Center, consider visiting our Mobile Care van, which schedules travel to communities throughout the state. Ultrasound What's Next? After taking a pregnancy test and receiving positive results, your next step is to receive a limited obstetric ultrasound. An ultrasound is a safe and painless procedure. An Ultrasound machine uses soundwaves to create a picture of the inside of your body, that includes your uterus and fetus, and gives you important information about your pregnancy. An ultrasound can confirm your pregnancy , show the gestational age of your pregnancy and as well as determine where the pregnancy is located . Confirming a Pregnancy Confirming a pregnancy is important because up to 20% of all pregnancies end in a natural miscarriage. The purpose of an ultrasound is to ensure your pregnancy is viable (a heartbeat is detected). Once you have this information, you can begin considering your options. Knowing the Gestational Age Knowing the gestational age, or how far along you are in the pregnancy is needed if you are considering abortion, adoption or parenting. Different abortion procedures are determined by how far along you are in your pregnancy, and prenatal care is an important part of staying healthy during a pregnancy. No matter what options you may be considering, it is crucial to know. Knowing where the Pregnancy is located Determining where the pregnancy is located is important as well. Sometimes, a fertilized egg does not attach to the uterus as it should. If it attaches somewhere else like within a fallopian tube, it’s called an ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancies are dangerous and need to be treated immediately by a medical professional. The Women's Center is committed to the care and health of all our clients. If you find yourself experiencing any of the above pregnancy symptoms, please reach out to the Women's Center to schedule an appointment for your free pregnancy test and free ultrasound.

  • Abortion | Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut

    Know Your Worth Know Your Options Abortion Adoption Parenting Strength Comes from Knowing If you’re considering abortion in Connecticut, you’re not alone. The compassionate team of medical professionals at Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut is here to help you make an informed and empowered decision and take your next steps. ​ Confirm Your Pregnancy The first step is to confirm your pregnancy. Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut provides free medical-grade pregnancy tests and ultrasounds to determine how far along you are in your pregnancy and whether or not the pregnancy is developing properly inside the uterus. Having this information will inform your abortion options going forward. Schedule an Appointment Be Informed Next, be informed about the different types of abortion and their associated risks. What is Surgical Abortion and How Does it Work? In a surgical abortion, a suction device is used to remove the embryo or fetus from the uterus through the vagina. This procedure is performed at an abortion clinic and you are sent home the same day. However, if complications arise, you may need to go to the emergency room to receive treatment. How Does the Abortion Pill Work? Although it’s referred to as a pill (singular), the abortion pill actually consists of two medications: mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone is taken first. It cuts the supply of the hormone progesterone to the embryo, which is needed to maintain the pregnancy. Without a steady supply of progesterone, the embryo stops growing and eventually dies. Misoprostol is taken 24-48 hours later. This medication causes the uterus to contract and expel the embryo, which ends the pregnancy. Schedule an Appointment What are the Risks of Abortion? Incomplete Abortion. An abortion may not successfully remove all of the fetal tissue. This can occur in a surgical abortion but is more common with the abortion pill. A surgical procedure may be required to remove retained tissue to prevent infection or stop the bleeding[1]. ​ Failed Abortion. The abortion pill regimen doesn’t always cause an abortion. A failed abortion means that the pregnancy is intact, with a live baby. Some women opt to continue their pregnancies when this happens. A surgical abortion is often done for an incomplete or failed abortion[2]. Infection. The insertion of instruments or retained fetal tissue may lead to infection. Infrequently, total body infection, known as sepsis, occurs and can be life-threatening. Pelvic infection can cause scarring of the pelvic organs, which can lead to future complications such as infertility and an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy[3][4][5]. Negative Impact on Future Pregnancies. Studies have shown a link between surgical abortion and an increased risk of premature birth and low birth weight in future pregnancies[6][7][8][9][10]. Hemorrhage. 1 out of 100 women who use the abortion pill up to 10 weeks LMP need a surgical procedure to stop the bleeding[11]. Organ Damage. The cervix and/or uterus may be cut, torn, or punctured by instruments. This may cause excessive bleeding and require surgical repair. If the uterus is punctured, the bowel and bladder may be injured. The risk of these types of complications increases with the length of the pregnancy[12]. Get Tested for STIs It’s crucial to get tested for STIs regularly, as many don’t have obvious symptoms. Additionally, STIs can increase your risk of developing a post-abortive infection[13]. Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut provides free referrals for STI testing and treatment so you can protect your health. Get the Facts at Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut Our compassionate team is ready to serve you. Get the facts you need and the care you deserve at Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut. Give us a call at (860) 576-8072 or schedule your appointment online today. Please be aware that Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut does not provide or refer for abortion services. ​ Sources U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2020, December 2). Abortion - Surgical. MedlinePlus. Retrieved from American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists. (2020). Medication abortion up to 70 days of gestation. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 136(4), 855-858. doi:10.1097/ aog.0000000000004083. Retrieved from Stevenson MM, Radcliffe KW. Preventing pelvic infection after abortion. Int J STD AIDS. 1995 Sep-Oct;6(5):305-12. doi: 10.1177/095646249500600501. PMID: 8547409. Bridwell RE, Long B, Montrief T, Gottlieb M. Post-abortion Complications: A Narrative Review for Emergency Clinicians. West J Emerg Med. 2022 Oct 23;23(6):919-925. doi: 10.5811/ westjem.2022.8.57929. PMID: 36409940; PMCID: PMC9683756. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). Mayo Clinic. (2022, April 30). American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists. (2019). Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Retrieved June 14, 2023. Swingle, H. M., Colaizy, T. T., Zimmerman, M. B., Morriss, F. H. (2009). Abortion and the risk of subsequent preterm birth: A systematic review with meta-analyses. The Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 54(2), 95–108. Shah, P. S., Zao, J. (2009). Induced termination of pregnancy and low birthweight and preterm birth: A systematic review and meta-analyses. British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 116(11), 1425–42. doi: 10.1111/j.1471- 0528.2009.02278.x. Moreau, C., Kaminski, M., Ancel, P.Y., Bouyer, J., et al (2005). Previous induced abortions and the risk of very preterm delivery: Results of the EPIPAGE study. Br J Obstet Gynaecol,5,112(4):430–37. Ancel, P.Y., Lelong, N., Papiernik, E., Saurel-Cubizolles, M.J., Kaminski, M (2004). History of induced abortion as a risk factor for preterm birth in European countries: Results U.S. Food and Drug Administration, (2016). Mifeprex TM medication guide. Retrieved from Paul, E. S. Lichtenberg, L. Borgatta, D. A. Grimes, P. G. Stubblefield, & M. D. Creinin (Eds.), 2009. Medical abortion in early pregnancy in Management of unintended and abnormal pregnancy: Comprehensive abortion care (pp.122-29). Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Carlsson, I., Breding, K., & Larsson, P.-G. (2018, September 25). Complications related to induced abortion: a combined retrospective and longitudinal follow-up study. U.S. National Library of Medicine.

  • Women’s Center of Eastern Connecticut

    real care. real hope. We're here to help. Schedule an Appointment About Us Women’s Center of Eastern Connecticut is committed to empowering individuals to make informed choices regarding their pregnancy. We understand there is a lot of uncertainty with an unexpected pregnancy. We are here to help answer questions and find the support you may need. Our Services Pregnancy Tests Have you missed your period? Are you experiencing pregnancy symptoms? Perhaps you’ve already taken a pregnancy test at home, but want a second opinion. Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut provides free pregnancy tests so you can be certain you’re pregnant. Results are quick, accurate, and confidential. Schedule an Appointment Limited OB Ultrasounds Ultrasounds provide vital information about your pregnancy, including how far along you are, your estimated due date, and whether or not there is a fetal heartbeat. This will help you make an informed decision regarding your next steps. Schedule an Appointment Community Referrals Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut offers a variety of referrals for community resources. We network with many agencies to get you the help and support you need including, but not limited to: Social services Housing Job placements Other resources available upon request Learn More Parenting Support We get it—the idea of parenting may feel overwhelming. You’re not alone. Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut provides free parenting classes and resources to help you confidently prepare for parenthood. Learn More Online Scheduler At the Women's Center of Eastern CT we are here to help answer questions and provide the support you may need to make an informed decision about your pregnancy. Select a location, day, and time that works for you. Once the appointment request is accepted and scheduled, we'll send a confirmation to you via email or text. Don't see a schedule that works for you? Give us a call/text @ 860-576-8072 to set up an appointment or start a conversation.

  • My Girlfriend is Pregnant. Now What?

    Support For Men We're here to help. Schedule an Appointment My Girlfriend is Pregnant… Now What?! Once she’s missed a period, everything can change—fast. Although she makes the final decision, most women really care what their partner thinks. Here are a few tips to help you make a decision you both agree on: Let her know how important she is to you. Don’t pressure her to make a decision or check out emotionally. Commit to exploring your options together and getting whatever help you need to strengthen your relationship. Let her know you’re there for her, each step of the way. Start by offering to go with her to her pregnancy testing appointment​. Once the pregnancy has been confirmed, explore your pregnancy options together. Communicate openly about your feelings and consider which option might be best for you as a couple. Listen to her thoughts and feelings. Ask her about her hopes or fears regarding abortion, adoption, and parenting. It may also help to get advice from someone you both trust! Schedule an Appointment Support for Men in Willimantic, CT Neither of you is in this alone. Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut offers mentorship and support for men, so you can take your next steps with confidence! ​ Give us a call at (860) 576-8072 or schedule your free appointment today. All services are confidential and free of charge! Schedule an Appointment

  • Considering the Abortion Pill in Connecticut?

    How Does the Abortion Pill Work? The abortion pill (also known as medication abortion) actually consists of two pills: mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone is taken first. It cuts the supply of the hormone progesterone to the embryo, which is needed to maintain the pregnancy. Without a steady supply of progesterone, the embryo stops growing and eventually dies. Misoprostol is taken 24-48 hours later. This medication makes the uterus cramp and expel the fetus, which ends the pregnancy. Ultrasound How Late Can You Take the Abortion Pill? The abortion pill is only FDA-approved for up to 10 weeks from your last menstrual period[1]. If you take the abortion pill later on in your pregnancy, the risk of serious complications increases. You may need emergency surgery to stop heavy bleeding or complete the procedure if it fails or is incomplete. Request Your Appointment Is Abortion Legal in Connecticut? Currently, abortion is legal up until viability in Connecticut. Exceptions can be made after viability to preserve the life or health of the pregnant woman[2]. Viability refers to the point in pregnancy when a fetus is developed enough to survive outside the womb with medical help, which occurs at approximately 24 weeks of pregnancy[3]. ​ Click here to learn more about why you should get an ultrasound before an abortion. Can I Get Abortion Pills Over the Counter? No, a prescription from a provider or physician who is registered to prescribe the abortion pills is necessary. However, the FDA does permit pharmacies to become certified to dispense the abortion pill with a proper prescription[1]. Can I Order the Abortion Pill Online? The FDA advises against ordering the abortion pill online. Many online abortion pill providers are located overseas, so the pills they provide may not meet FDA standards[4]. These pills could be counterfeit, expired, or even tampered with. It’s best to err on the side of caution and avoid ordering the abortion pill online. Ultrasound Abortion Pill Information in Eastern CT When your pregnancy test comes back positive, it can be easy to panic. Don’t let fear make the final decision for you. Get the care and support you deserve at the Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut. We offer free pregnancy resources, so you can make an empowered decision for your unplanned pregnancy: Free pregnancy tests Free ultrasounds A safe, non-judgemental place to explore your pregnancy options and share what’s on your mind Give us a call at (860) 576-8072 or request your free appointment today. All services are confidential and free of charge. Request Your Appointment Please be aware that the Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut does not provide or refer for abortion services. ​ Sources FDA. (2023, September 1). Questions and Answers on Mifeprex. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved from Public Act No. 22-19. Connecticut General Attorney. (2022, July 1). Breborowicz, G. (2001, January). Limits of fetal viability and its enhancement. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. (2023, March 23). Mifeprex (Mifepristone). U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved from If you find yourself experiencing any of the above pregnancy symptoms, please reach out to the Women's Center to schedule an appointment for your free pregnancy test and free ultrasound.

  • Abortion Pill LP | Women's Center New

    Call: (860) 512-8092 Are you considering an abortion pill? Ending a pregnancy with an abortion pill is not a simple procedure. While you can take the medication at home, it forces a miscarriage and can be painful. It may not even be necessary if the pregnancy is not developing. Whatever you do, don’t buy abortion pills online or try home remedies for abortion as these are not FDA approved and can be dangerous. Before you spend the money on an abortion pill appointment at an abortion clinic, find out if you actually have a developing pregnancy and are not too far along for an abortion pill procedure. Make An Appointment Call: (860) 512-8092 Here are some recent questions others are asking I’m pregnant. What are my options? If you are pregnant, you have more options than you think. Our caring staff will discuss all your options with you, without judgment. All the resources we provide are completely objective and we’ll provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision regarding your pregnancy. What do I need at my first appointment? The only thing Women's Center of EC asks, is that you bring a photo ID. How much does an appointment cost? Because we care about your health and wellbeing, your appointment with us is completely free and confidential. You do not need to bring any form of payment or health insurance with you to your appointment, just a photo ID. How do I know if I'm pregnant? Because each woman and each pregnancy is unique, symptoms may vary. However, the most common sign of pregnancy is a missed period. If you have missed a period, it’s best to make an appointment for a free pregnancy test at our center. Other common pregnancy symptoms include fatigue, nausea, bloating, darkening of the nipples, cramping/spotting, and frequent urination. How does a pregnancy test work? During your appointment, we collect a small sample of urine. A urine pregnancy test detects the presence of hCG, which is a hormone associated with pregnancy. If hCG is detected in your urine, that means you have a positive test. Over-the-counter pregnancy tests can be accurate, but often women take them too early or don’t follow the directions carefully. Even if you have taken a home pregnancy test, confirm your results with free pregnancy testing at Womens Center EC When should I get an ultrasound? After you have received a positive pregnancy test, it may be time to get a limited obstetric ultrasound. An ultrasound can diagnose pregnancy, determine how far along you are and detect a fetal heartbeat. Do you have trained medical staff? Yes. All our medical services are provided by licsened medical professionals. Women's Center of EC medical professionals on staff include: Medical Doctor Registered Nurses Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographers What are the signs of an STI? Most STIs do not exhibit unique symptoms, and most symptoms can be mistaken for other illnesses. That’s why it’s important to get tested after unprotected sex. Waiting too long to get tested and treated for an STI puts you and your partner at risk for severe health complications. I’m struggling in my relationship, can you help? Yes! We’ve mentored thousands in healthy relationship building skills. Relationships can be hard but we are here to help. Does my significant other have a say in my decision? Whether you are a woman or man facing an unexpected pregnancy, you don’t have to go through it alone. You both should have an open discussion regarding your options and make an informed decision together on what to do moving forward. We can help facilitate these conversations and provide you with the information you need What if I don’t know how to be a good parent? No one is a parenting expert, but that doesn’t mean you can’t provide your child with love and support. We offer parenting classes to help you learn the ins and outs of being a good parent during each stage of your child’s life. Call or text us today to learn more about our free parenting program and how it can benefit you. What if I don't live close to the Women's Center? If you live in another community and are not sure if you can make it to our Center, consider visiting our Mobile Care van, which schedules travel to communities throughout the state. Choose a location to make an appointment... Or fill out the form to contact us... First name* Last name Email* Phone* Long answer Submit 37 Ivan Hill Street Willimantic, CT 06226 Hours Mondays 10-2 PM Tuesdays 10-4 PM Thursdays 10-4 PM ​ or by appointment Make An Appointment DISCLAIMER: Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut does not offer or refer for pregnancy terminations or birth control. Information is provided as an educational service and should not be relied on as a substitute for professional and/or medical advice.

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